Quarterly Review: 20 Sept 2017
So, I’ve been posting here every week to back up and update your gear. I talk a big game, but I get busy and goof off myself like everyone else. It makes sense to look at the bigger picture a few times a year and update what isn’t working. Also, some tasks that don’t need to be done every week, but should be done periodically. This isn’t a perfect list or a full one. Let me know what you think should be on the list in January!
Back Ups, Updates, Certificates
- Try restoring your systems from back up. It’s not a back-up system if it doesn’t work.
- If you don’t have a cloud-based back up program, when was the last time you swapped the offsite copy of your files?
- SSL Certificates for your sites. When do they expire?
- Think about major software updates and code overhauls. Is there a new platform that would be a better choice for what you’re doing? This could be a new operating system, maybe a new language or looking into containers. Start planning this fall for the work you’ll do next year.
Hardware Review
- Things with moving parts are more likely to fail. What drives can you move to an SSD?
- Batteries get old, how’s yours doing?
- Oil your paper shredder.
- Holiday wishlist time, what might go on sale between now and the end of the year?
Personal Information & Emergency Supplies
- Get a copy of a credit report from one of the reporting bureaus. Check to make sure your credit is still frozen.
- When was the last time you checked the validity of your Emergency Plan and the content of both your stay-kit and go-bag?
- California Resources
- Federal Resources
- SF72.org (San Francisco Department of Emergency Management)
- What is perishable in your emergency kit? What is it time to rotate? (Energy bars? Water? Batteries?)
- Anything to add to stay-kit or go-bag?